Covid 19 Crisis Procedures


Covid 19 Crisis Procedures - The Refresh Team

Here are the steps we are taking to ensure safety and limited potential transmission of Covid 19:

  1. Bookings will be staggered to avoid patient’s contacting each other in the clinic space.
  2. Waiting room & coffee bar have been temporarily removed.
  3. All display items are accessible with assistance from reception.  Test samples have been removed.
  4. We have allowed more time between appointments to properly clean all surfaces and equipment.
  5. All patient’s will be required to attend alone, unfortunately we can’t allow friends to accompany you at this time.
  6. When you arrive, please wait in your vehicle & text or call 604-217-5770.  We will escort you into the clinic space once it has been properly cleaned.
  7. All patient’s will be required to wear a mask during the entire time in the clinic, and will be removed only when necessary to treat areas under the mask.
  8. All staff will be wearing the proper PPE at all times.
  9. A plexiglass barrier has been installed between patient and reception area to avoid droplet transmission.
  10. Bathroom access will be limited, please no make-up “touch-ups.”

We truly thank-you for your support and patience during this pandemic, and we are THRILLED to be back to work!




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